Monday, February 1, 2010

It's all about ME.

February 1st. Wow, how quickly January flew by! I suppose it is time for a "challenge" update. I am pleased to report that tonight marked my 20th trip to the gym. Just reading "20" makes me feel lame; however, I was very sick last week and lost several days of workouts AND that's 20 workouts in 32 days! I am so pleased with myself, especially since I have no plans of stopping any time soon!

Over the past month I have discovered an absolute LOVE of Yoga! I usually practice it twice a week, sometimes more if I have time or a class is available. I love that it isn't about doing anything perfectly, it is about listening to what your body is capable of, pushing your limits, and accepting what you aren't quite ready for. For many years I have wanted to take Yoga and now I am wishing I would have started long ago!

Doing things for myself seems to be a trend lately. I am spending more time on myself, rediscovering my passions and planning for my future. I have signed up for a sewing class in two weeks and I couldn't be more excited! I received a new sewing machine for Christmas and I am eager to begin using it! So, stay tuned for my adventures in sewing.

My mom, sister, and I are going to San Antonio next weekend to see Lady Antebellum and to spend some quality "girl time" together. I'll be sure to post how it goes!