Friday, January 8, 2010

My Non-Resolution Challenge

I strongly dislike New Year's Resolutions. They usually go a little something like, "this year I want to lose weight." Duh. But, two weeks later it's back to potato chips and ice cream and trips to the gym are a faint memory. The only resolution I've ever made AND KEPT was in 2007 I vowed not to purchase a single pair of panties. Yep, that's right. Panties. And it was the hardest resolution to keep! Do you know that two times a year, not once, but TWICE a year Victoria's Secret puts everything on sale?! Let's just say I will NEVER make that resolution again.

This year I decided to go with something a little different. I have decided to "challenge" myself. (Not a "resolution.") I have promised myself that I will not buy ANY CLOTHING until I have visited the gym 100 times. Now, whether those are consecutive days depends on how badly I want to shop. My hope is that a few good things will comes of this: 1. That in 100 visits to the gym I will NEED to shop to purchase clothes that are SMALLER, and 2. That skipping 3+ months of shopping will prove to be a reward to my savings account.

I will say that I have been to the gym every day this week (5 down, 95 to go!) and plan on making at least one trip this weekend. I have discovered that deep down inside I have abs. I have also discovered that cycling class and yoga class may sound fun, but don't let them fool you. They are pesky little boogers! However, each trip to the gym gets a little easier and I come out feeling better and better.

So, good luck on whatever your "resolution" was. Look for (a smaller) me out shopping in 95 (+/-) days.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a FABULOUS idea!!! And I might just follow in your footsteps! No shopping for clothes until 100 workouts....GENIUS!
